Acuerdo con Río Tinto en inglés

Solicitamos a nuestros lectores a compartir la información relacionada al acuerdo del Gobierno paraguayo con la empresa Río Tinto Alcán con sus conocidos angloparlantes, de manera a aumentar la colaboración en el proceso.



Luego de que se hiciera público el acuerdo firmado con la empresa Río Tinto Alcán, ABC Color solicitó la colaboración de académicos, expertos, técnicos y demás, que deseaban emitir su opinión respecto a la iniciativa. A continuación presentamos el pedido en inglés, para que nuestros lectores lo compartan con potenciales colaboradores angloparlantes.

Since 2008, the aluminium mining and production firm Río Tinto Alcán began negotiations with the Paraguayan government, with a strong opposition. The main point of conflict is focused on the amount of energy the industry needs, which could compromise the availability of the resource for Paraguayan citizens in the future, as well as the price of the energy. There are also doubts surrounding the business’ capacity to produce high quality jobs and development, along with the concerns related to the environment.

Last week, the Canadian multinational Río Tinto Alcán signed a controversial “pre agreement” with the Paraguayan government, which could potentially compromise the country’s sustainable development. ABC Color is requesting the help of experts, technicians, students, consultants and readers to collaborate in the analysis of the document.

The “crowdsourcing” initiative is intended to allow our readers and experts to give their suggestions regarding to the agreement. We guarantee the protection of our sources, with the compromise that the information will be kept off the record. The collaborations could be sent to the following address:

The agreement (PDF file) can be found in the following link.

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